February 2013
Wow! I need to keep this site up better!
February 12, 2013
Par for the course, my webmaster duties have taken a back seat to work and family. I have however, added a new link to my chicken coop status page. Another change is that I have done away with the forum software. It seems there was more spam that real users so I discontinued the forums all together.
Here is a look at the Coop Web Server I’ve been working on in my spare time:
The page is served from an embedded web server in the Chicken Coop. I started by making an automatic door that uses a micro controller to monitor the light levels and controls the door and it grew from there.
I added a Parallax Spinneret that serves the html directly from the coop via WiFi. Perhaps some pictures with then next post are in order!
Here is a look at the Coop Web Server I’ve been working on in my spare time:
The page is served from an embedded web server in the Chicken Coop. I started by making an automatic door that uses a micro controller to monitor the light levels and controls the door and it grew from there.
